
Michael in Point Lobos
Michael in Point Lobos

I’m a nature / wildlife photographer, nature lover, and I am formally trained as an engineer. I’ve always loved nature, wildlife, and travel. I have dedicated much of my time to the pursuit of exploration in one way or another. I’m making my way to the corners of the world one little bit at a time.

Michael Fuchs Photography

Michael Fuchs Personal Projects


Yvonne in Death Valley
Yvonne in Death Valley

I’m an aerospace engineer turned professional quilter, quilt designer, technical editor, and blogger. My personal focus in life is a desire to be balanced through physical activity (I have a yearly standing goal to walk 5 miles a day), community, health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and general coziness.

Quilting Jetgirl


Yvonne and Michael - Alaska
Yvonne and Michael – Alaska

We are interested in simple living, travel, mobility, and working together. Over time, we have realized that everything doesn’t have to be perfect. The journey is just as important as the goal. Traveling and visiting new places has always been a big part of our lives together. We go through different trends from year to year between domestic and international travel. Over the years, we have enjoyed everything from guided international safaris to just backpacking near home.


We are both very hands-on people. We always prefer to do something ourselves whenever possible. We really enjoy working with each other, and it is a great way to be lifelong learners and build self-sufficiency.